Keeping Up With Melissa

The trailing spouse and his wife.

When Melissa and I decided to blog about our adventure, you would think that after thirty years together I would have realized that I would never be able to keep up with her.  You would think that I would have foreseen that she would complete three to four detailed, grammatically perfect, fact-checked entries to every one of my rambling, stream-of-conscious, watch me be deep and profound, typo-ridden, poetic license taken entries.

Melissa charms our driver and guide. I am, of course, lost somewhere trying to find them.

Alas, I did not.  In fact, the only reason I am sitting in the Luang Prabang airport this afternoon writing is because sitting not 17 inches away from me, oblivious to everything around her, is my wonderful wife banging out another masterpiece.  I did take notes today on my phone; I swear.  But I’m too tired and lazy to check them.  Melissa, in just seven days, has a complete version of our trip, a kind of War and Peace of notes, carefully typed into her phone.  Her phone! Do you know what that would look like if I typed those notes?  Let’s just say a monkey banging on a typewriter would produce better.

Like I said, the only reason I am still typing is because she is.  I have nothing to say of any great merit because I know that her next post will put Britannica to shame.  And here’s the real humbling part, I had to ask her how to spell Britannica.

This is the Buddha for my day, Wednesday. The Buddha waiting to receive offerings. Melissa says she is the reclining Buddha, but we all know she is actually the fast swimming, catch me if you can, Buddha.

I am what is known as the trailing spouse.  I’m okay with that.  Besides, who among you thousand followers – catch the hyperbole there (and by the way, I knew how to spell hyperbole) – want to read all this stuff anyway, except, of course Melissa’s dad, Jack, who is the kind of person (among other things) that spends hours in a museum reading every single entry on ever single exhibit.  Don’t worry. I doubt he’s reading this.

Therefore, to honor you, my dear, devoted followers (all of whom – God bless you, deserve a better life), I will cease and desist with the writing and let, as they say, a few pictures paint my thousand words.

If you have read this far, make sure to write a bunch of comments on this post.  It will drive Melissa crazy.  Just make up whatever comes to mind.  I’m after quantity here not quality.  Just don’t mention the typos or grammar errors.  Thanks.   

16 thoughts on “Keeping Up With Melissa”

  1. Couldn’t find a grammatical or spelling error in this entire post!
    Man, you two have seen so much already. I love keeping up with the two of you. Keep the great posts coming.
    Did you eat the little mice….?

    1. We’ve eaten some incredible food, but I draw the line at rodents (rats and squirrels) and at bats!

  2. I am entranced with your blog… what a marvelous way to share your spectacular journey…. love the photos.

  3. Wow what a great trip so far! Gorgeous scenery and unique encounters. I love to read about other people’s travels and see their pics so keep it coming. Your writing isn’t too bad for a lawyer 😂

    1. Thanks and you are correct. Law school tends to crush all the creativity out of you. Hope I’m getting some back.

  4. Love this! I feel your pain as I’ve been a trailing friend for 40+ years! 😊
    So… I see notification of your posts but not of Melissa’s!! Hmmmm. Maybe it’s bc you put notification links on FB. I’ll try to figure out how to access all the posts. Great pictures! Keep
    posting! Love you both! —Carolyn

    1. Carolyn, go into google and search for That should take you straight to the blog and all of Melissa’s posts and pics. So glad we are connected. It is fun hearing from you.

  5. Everything you encounter seems beautiful, delicious or enchanting (except for all the dead rats or mice). Don, it a task to keep up with Lissa, but not all of us have a constant energy supply. Chill. As a grand gwee, I’d be lucky to catch a glimpse of either of you. I love your blog; the photos, meeting your guides, and can feel your wonder and excitement. Wonderful and very informative writing, and so prolific. I look forward to every entry and seeing that you are well and thriving.

    1. We love you Carol! I’m hanging in there. She keeps me fit and on my toes. Knew that when I married her.

  6. It takes two to tango. Yin and yang. Simon and Garfunkel… writing (and life in general) is infinitely more interesting with differing perspectives and talents. And often it is the trailing one who is smelling the roses and and experiencing the journey rather than the destination (did I pack enough cliches in there to make Melissa wince??) 🙂

  7. Love both of your writings. Don’t compare. They are different and unique. Keep them coming please!

  8. Ok, Donny, I got that comment about my reading EVERY description, every narrative and every historical note in EVERY museum i’ve ever been in. I’d protest in shocked dismay at your impertinence, if only it weren’t true. 😎🤷🏻‍♂️😩😊
    And, Btw, you’re keeping up just fine, in your writing and otherwise. After all, as Melissa says, you’re the one attending to all the details and doing all the work.
    Love, Jack

    1. I am so glad I have you on my team. Thanks for ALL the thoughtful comments and for reading. Everyday I find myself thinking, Jack, would love this.

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